The construction costs of the structurally racist Humboldt Forum so far amount to €680 million plus annual costs of at least €60 million. #CCWAH #DefundtheHumboldtForum #BARAZANI #Berlin #Defund the #HumboldtForum
»Defund the Humboldt Forum!«
Help us dismantle the Berlin Palace again! The anti-colonial campaign of the „Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the Humboldt-Forum“ and | DECOLONIZE Berlin.
The Prussian blob in the middle of Berlin has already gobbled up more than enough money! Let’s turn the runaway piggy bank upside down and divert the money flowing into the Humboldt Forum into sustainable and meaningful decolonisation of Berlin’s cultural institutions, collections and programmes! Enough with the white interpretation of world heritage! And enough with institutional upgrading through criticism! Even a self-critical examination of coloniality, as recently propagated by the Humboldt Forum, is not possible in the Berlin Palace! (The reasons are given in BARAZANI.box_1: Five Theses Against the Berlin Palace and the Humboldt Forum)

We understand every cooperation with the Humboldt Forum as an attack on the world we want to build. This is the starting point of our space Spreeufer. This is where the Coalition of Cultural Workers against the Humboldt-Forum (CCWAH) and join forces to carry our outrage into public space from our immediate neighbourhood at Spreeufer 6, 10178 Berlin. From our space in the Nikolaiviertel, we will hurl a decisive and powerful „No Way!“ against the cultural-imperial megalomania. At Spreeufer we combine our forces, organise information evenings, exhibitions and discussion events as well as decolonial guided tours and actions in the centre of Berlin. Come and see us! Join in! (Get the Newsletter!)
Spreeufer (at Spreeufer 6 | 10178 Berlin)
is a merger of two organisations:
The »Coalition of Cultural Workers against the Humboldt Forum« is an initiative of international cultural workers that has been carrying its protest against the so-called Humboldt Forum into the urban space with various actions since 2020. (, on the other hand, is a virtual reality created by the working group Museums and Collections of the Decolonize* alliance, which took up residence on the empty Schlossplatz at the end of 2020. is a place of resistance against colonialism and neo-imperialism. (
[*Decolonize Berlin e.V. is committed to the critical examination of the history and present of colonialism and racism, to the recognition and reappraisal of colonial injustice, and to decolonization throughout society. (]
We are all convinced that the so-called Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Schloss is a colonial project from the ground up and only simulates cosmopolitanism. We will help to ensure that its creators cannot simply sit out the massive criticism to which the project has been subjected for years. We are campaigning for the Prussian Castle to be dismantled again, brick by brick as well as the cross.
»Tear it down! And turn it upside down!
Join us!«

»Defund the Humboldt Forum!«
Donate for the deconstruction of the Humboldt Forum!
Anti-colonial campaign from July 2021 #CCWAH #DefundtheHumboldtForum #BARAZANI #berlin #Defund the #HumboldtForum
Every cent brings us closer to our goal of turning this neo-colonial project upside down. By doing so, you support self-organised, civil society structures that work together for decolonisation, especially in Berlin. Decide where your money goes: whether to the Spreeufer, the anti-colonial centre of the alliance of CCWAH and | DECOLONIZE Berlin e.V.
You can find the same donation platform at
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